Why “The Kinetic Growth Coach™️”, You Ask?

Let’s think back to fourth grade physics when we learned about kinetic energy. 🚴

You may recall the definition of kinetic energy being:

“The energy that an object possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes.”

Now, replace the object with your MIND and LEARNING.

Kinetic Growth is:

“The energy an individual possesses due to their intentional learning activity and motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate from potential state to growth. Kinetic growth is continuous growth and is maintained unless activity and motion changes (or ceases).”

In order to kinetically grow, one must activate their potential by investing in themselves.

The neuroscience behind this is that:

Several things occur when an individual exposes themselves to new learning and activities that bring them out of their comfort zone, such as:

👉 New neural pathways are developed in the brain

👉 Neuroplasticity increases

👉 Which means the brain actually expands and continues to expand as new brain cells are spurred through learning new skills and exposing oneself to new environments and experiences

This increased neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to reorganize itself through its environment, behavior, thinking, and emotions) gives an individual:

✔️Greater perspective

✔️ Increased brain health

✔️More options due to increased experience

✔️Ultimately a more fulfilled and resilient life

✔️ Increased life span

When someone invests in learning that is aligned to their purpose, they are essentially UNSTOPPABLE!

They are passionate about continual investment in themselves, feel and see the benefits, and are dedicated and committed to the journey.

This completely fuels me as a Coach and my goal is to help fuel others towards their purpose.

*Kinetic Growth clients benefit from a 2-year coaching relationship, four individualized books, and all assessments and exercises that are foundational to my practice.



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